Thursday, February 6, 2014

God's Power & Protection

Psalm 17:8 - "Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings"

Apple of the eye refers to 'the little man of the eye' - the pupil, a delicate part of the eye that is essential for vision and therefore must be protected at all cost.

We many a times claim that our life is 'delicate' and should be handled with great care, and when we submit (surrender/offer) our lives to God then He will keep (guard/protect) us as the apple of His eye. What a ever-loving and ever-caring God that we have!

The second layer of protection is when we hide in the shadow of His wings - as shade protects us from the oppressive heat of the hot sun so our God will protect us from every kind of oppression that we will ever face in our lives.

We need to take the conscious step of reaching out to Him (rooted & grounded in Him) so that He will cover us with His divine power and protection.

Have a Blessed Day!

God Bless,

Every Day With Jesus

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