Friday, February 28, 2014

Mourning Into Dancing

Psalms 30:11 - "You have turned for me my mourning into dancing; you have loosed my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness."

Only God can turn our mourning into dancing. There could be a time of stress, a gloomy atmosphere and when He intervenes then all our sorrow turns into joy.

One most importing thing that we need to have when we go through the storms of life is 'Trust'. Trusting God at all times will turn our mourning into dancing because the One who has called us is 'faithful' and His kindness will never depart from us.

Jeremiah 17:7 - “Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose trust is the Lord. He is like a tree planted by water, that sends out its roots by the stream, and does not fear when heat comes, for its leaves remain green, and is not anxious in the year of drought, for it does not cease to bear fruit."

Let's forget about all that we're going through and rejoice in the Lord always, trust in Him and He will turn our sorrows into joy.

Have A Blessed Day!

God Bless

Every Day With Jesus

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Are You Afraid?

Psalms 56:3-4 - "When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I shall not be afraid. What can flesh do to me?"

The best thing to do when we walk through fear or when the cares of lives overtakes us is to put our trust in God, for He is our mighty saviour, deliverer, protecter, defender and caretaker. 

When God is with us then nothing in this world can be against us and we are always safe in His mighty hands. The evil (thoughts or people) might try to torment us for a while, but ultimately the victory is from God who is never too late or never too early, He is always on time to rescue us in every situation.

He watches over our lives, takes care of our going out and coming in and He has set His angels in charge over our lives, and we don't need anything more to prove that we serve a loving and living God who neither sleeps nor slumbers and takes care of us 24X7.

Let's walk boldly in His presence for He cares for us.

Have A Blessed Day!

God Bless

Every Day With Jesus

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Obedience Through Suffering

Hebrews 5:8 - "Although he was a son, he learned obedience through what he suffered."

Jesus Christ being the Son of God had to learn obedience through His sufferings so we are not an exception. 

There's a philosophical saying - 'No pain, No gain' which means that without experiencing pain we may never grow and become what we are supposed (called) to be. Then why pain/suffering? Pain (or suffering) makes us humble, obedient to God and also dependant on God to set us free and in this process God prepares us (trains us/equips us) for the calling that He has over our lives and this is the time where our relationship with God grows stronger (intimate). 

The suffering may not be always physical, it could be emotional, mental - a place where everything looks freezed and nothing seems to be working (or moving), a state of lack, emptiness. We could also call it as spiritual wilderness - a state where we await God to answer us/deliver us and this is also the place where God prunes us (sanctifies us) so that He can relaunch us into this world as His powerful ambassador.

And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.

Have A Blessed Day!

God Bless

Every Day With Jesus

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

God With Us

Zephaniah 3:17 – “The Lord your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take a great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing.”

Our God is an Immanuel God who is always with us and nothing in this world can separate us from His love. His love endures forever, His faithfulness continues for all generations and His mercies are everlasting.

God believes in relationships – Father, Son and the Holy Spirit and that is the reason He created us so that we love Him and serve Him. God doesn’t force Himself to us and He has given us a choice – either to walk in His way or walk in our way. When we’re connected with Him and walk in His way then He will save us, no matter how deep/dark our pit (or problem) is.

God takes great delight in our everyday life and He is ever ready to guide us through the day and help us out wherever possible, so that our day goes smooth and when we know this reality then I’m sure that nothing in this world can hold us back from loving and serving Him.

Let’s sit at His feet everyday and allow Him to work in and through our lives, so that our lives will be transformed into His likeness.

Have A Blessed Day!

God Bless

Every Day With Jesus   

Monday, February 24, 2014

Glory Be To God

Psalms 115:1 - "Not to us, O Lord, not to us but to your name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness."

Sometimes we tend to get carried away with our victories in life and instead of giving the glory to God we become more conscious about our strength (intellect) thereby completely ignoring the fact that it was God who held us through the situation and led us to victory.

When we see breakthroughs and victories touching our feet, we should always make it a point to give all the glory, honour, and praise to our God alone and not to take any credit from it.

We are alive, blessed, victorious, and triumphant because of His love and faithfulness. Yes, we would have put our efforts but the victory (success) comes from Him.

Our God is a jealous God and He will not share His glory because none deserves it. He is the supreme being, the creator who created the heaven and the earth and everything in it including us, so He is the only One who deserves all praise, honour and glory.

Let's be ready to glorify God for all the victories in our lives because of His love and faithfulness.

Have A Blessed Day!

God Bless

Every Day With Jesus   

Friday, February 21, 2014

Be Content

1 Timothy 6:6 - "But godliness with contentment is great gain."

The word of God says that we need to be content with what we have. We must all learn to be happy and satisfied with everything that God has blessed our lives with and this doesn't mean that we should stop trying to aim high or look for growth in our lives (in career, job or business), in fact God delights in our prosperity and He's is more than happy to see us growing and achieving in our personal and professional life.

However, we need to learn to be content with what we have otherwise we'll never be satisfied and never be happy in our life and we also need to understand the fact that our means and ends should always reflect the act of God in our lives.

When we look at life as a blessing from God, the very breath that we breathe and to every other thing that He has added to our life's journey making it comfortable should bring contentment in our lives.

Let's make it a point to acknowledge God and His works in our lives so that we'll always be happy and satisfied.

Have A Blessed Day!

God Bless

Every Day With Jesus 

Thursday, February 20, 2014

God's Favor

Psalms 5:12 - "For surely, O Lord, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favour as with a shield".

God always watches over the righteous and His eyes are always fixed on them. When we walk in righteousness, we can be rest assured that His favour will be upon us always and He looks for opportunities to bless our lives.

The very first thing that we need to analyse in our lives is whether we're living a godly life or a compromised life? Is our life rooted and grounded in Him (and His Word) or have we allowed the pressures of this world to hinder our relationship with God?

Living a righteous life in today's world is a challenge, but when we do that God will support us greatly with His favour as like a shield which protects us from the attacks of the enemy.

God will always reward the righteous and the prayer of a righteous person is always powerful (effective and brings the desired results).

Let's make every effort to lead a blameless life and to walk in righteousness so that His divine favour will always rule our lives.

Have A Blessed Day!

God Bless

Every Day With Jesus   

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Hope In God

Psalms 43:5 - "Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God."

How many times have we said this? What do we do when we feel low and utterly disturbed?

The Psalmist encourages us to put our hope in God because only He can rescue us (set us free/save us) from the snares of the enemy.

We need to cast all our burdens unto Him for He cares for us, because He took all our burden and shame upon the cross to set us free from every form (or kind) of captivity (stronghold). 

We don't have to wait for situations or circumstances to take control over our lives, we just have to bring it before God and He will not only handle our situations better but also provide us the strength and wisdom required at that point of time.

Let's surrender all our challenges before God and hope in Him for He is our 'Mighty Deliverer'.

Have A Blessed Day!

God Bless

Every Day With Jesus

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Directions In Life

Psalms 32:8 - "I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you"

Godly instruction is a great instruction for our well being and how wonderful (and powerful) will that be if it is directly from God?

Whenever we are driving and find ourselves in the midst of a cross road we take the help of GPS enabled device for navigation (direction), in the same way when we are in the midst of major decisions in our life, it could be about pursuing education, job, business or marriage...anything, we have an Almighty God (omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent) who is always ready to instruct us and teach us (guide us) in the way we should go and the thing that we should do and not only that He watches over us so that our journey in life would be smooth - (Ps 32:8)

Let's accept the fact that He's more knowledgable than us, He knows our past, present and future, so only He can perfectly direct our lives.

Have A Blessed Day!

God Bless

Every Day With Jesus

Monday, February 17, 2014

Hidden Treasure

Mathew 13:44 - "The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field."

How do we value the kingdom of heaven? Is it a mystery or a treasure to us?

Kingdom of Heaven (or God) is a place where there is no such thing as 'Lack', whatever we need or will ever need is available in the kingdom of God, its a place of abundance, storehouse which can fulfil all our spiritual, physical, emotional needs.

The Kingdom is of such great value that one should be willing to give up all he/she has in order to gain it.

How often do we access the kingdom of God? Our 'El Shaddai' - "The Almighty all-sufficient God who protects and provides" who is always accessible and we need to make ourselves available for Him to access the kingdom of God - the hidden treasure.

Have A Blessed Day!

God Bless

Every Day With Jesus

Friday, February 14, 2014

Perfect Timing

Psalm 31:15 - "My times are in your hands..."

The one thing that we must strongly believe and understand is that - all the events and circumstances of our life are in the hands of the Lord because He has created us (designed us) and has a perfect plan (purpose) for our lives and He definitely holds our future.

I remember the famous hymn - 

Because He lives, I can face tomorrow 

Because He lives, all fear is gone 
Because I know He holds the future 
My life is worth the living just because He lives

Let's keep our hopes high and believe in Him because all His work is perfect and in His time He makes all things beautiful and we can be rest assured that His timing is 'Always Perfect'.

Have A Blessed Day!

God Bless

Every Day With Jesus

Thursday, February 13, 2014


Jeremiah 33:6 - "Nevertheless, I will bring health and healing to it; I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security."

God's anger is only for a moment and His mercy is 'everlasting' - True, when we turn away from Him and not give Him the due credit (glory), God does get angry, but the anger only lasts for a moment and when we acknowledge our mistake (sin) then He is always ready to forgive us and accept us.

His promises are everlasting, His mercies are new every morning and great is His faithfulness over our lives. 

Our God is a restorer, no matter how shattered our lives are or how deep our wounds, He will restore our health and heal all our wounds and it doesn't stop with that, He will also enable us to enjoy abundant peace and security in our lives.

Let's run to Him whenever we fall, for He's a God of Restoration.

Thank you Lord for being good to us and restoring our lives.

Have A Blessed Day!

God Bless

Every Day With Jesus  

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Confidence In The Lord

Psalms 27:13 - 'I am still confident of this; I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living."

How confident are you when you have to sail through the storms of life? Does it shake you or your faith in God?

God has promised us that He will never leave us (forsake us) or abandon us, and even if we have to walk through the valley of the shadow of death (helpless & hopeless situations), we have to fear no evil for our Almighty God (our refuge, stronghold, caretaker) is with us always.

Having confidence in the Lord boosts our faith tremendously, and with that faith we must have hope that we will certainly see the goodness of the Lord everyday in our lives.

Surely goodness and love will follow us all the days of our life, and we will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

Have A Blessed Day!

God Bless

Every Day With Jesus 

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Level Ground

Psalms 26:12 - "My feet stand on level ground; in the great assembly I will praise the Lord."

How many of us wish that our going should be smooth and free from danger (problem)?
Well, God also desires the same for our lives. He is certainly not happy seeing us struggling with problems, suffering from sickness or pain and living miserable lives.

He always wants us to be happy (cheerful), full of faith, filled with His peace and walk in His love. 

When we live God-centered lives then be rest assured that our feet will always be on 'level ground' and we will be able to boldly declare His faithfulness (love, praise) in the assembly of His people.

Let's make every attempt to live life the Jesus way and stay on level ground.

Have A Blessed Day!

God Bless

Every Day With Jesus

Monday, February 10, 2014

Our Strength

Psalms 84:5 - "Blessed are those whose strength is in you,..."

Where does our strength comes from? Is it from our position, power or possession?

Blessed are those who have to come to know the Lord as their 'deliverer' and 'sustainer' of their lives. We are not what we are because of our ability, but we are what we are because of our dependability upon Him who graciously blesses us and fills us with His strength.

Many a times past victories in our lives might tend to drift us away from God and might even take us to a place where we focus only on our strength for future victories, and this is the stage that we need to be very conscious (careful) about.

The point is that we should always rely upon Him for He gives us the strength and the ability to be successful (victorious) in our lives as the the Psalmist says in Ch.
28:7 - "The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped..." 

Let's make it a point to rely upon His strength every day, to walk in His victory and enjoy our every day life.

Have A Blessed Day!

God Bless

Every Day With Jesus

Friday, February 7, 2014

Follow Jesus

Luke 9:23 - "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me"

If we want to follow Jesus and live a life based on strong Christian foundation then we must (should) be prepared to live a life of 'self denial' - denying (dying) to our selfish desires (motives/objectives), with complete dedication and willing obedience.

The call is to live this kind of life 'daily' and not occasionally. We must be prepared to bring it to submission every thought (action/desire) that could hinder our walk with Jesus and compare ourselves only with Jesus - who being the son of the living God (Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent)  became man, showed us the way we should be living our lives (God-centred) here on earth and sacrificed His life for our salvation (redemption).

Our only comparison should be Jesus himself, our role-model for a successful, meaningful and powerful Christian life.

Have A Blessed Day!

God Bless

Every Day With Jesus    

Thursday, February 6, 2014

God's Power & Protection

Psalm 17:8 - "Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings"

Apple of the eye refers to 'the little man of the eye' - the pupil, a delicate part of the eye that is essential for vision and therefore must be protected at all cost.

We many a times claim that our life is 'delicate' and should be handled with great care, and when we submit (surrender/offer) our lives to God then He will keep (guard/protect) us as the apple of His eye. What a ever-loving and ever-caring God that we have!

The second layer of protection is when we hide in the shadow of His wings - as shade protects us from the oppressive heat of the hot sun so our God will protect us from every kind of oppression that we will ever face in our lives.

We need to take the conscious step of reaching out to Him (rooted & grounded in Him) so that He will cover us with His divine power and protection.

Have a Blessed Day!

God Bless,

Every Day With Jesus

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Enjoy Everyday Life

John 10:10 - "The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy: I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."

Jesus came into this world not only to sacrifice His life for our sins but also to show us the way we should be living our lives here in this world.

God wants us to enjoy our everyday life - We know that Jesus came to this world as the son of a carpenter and also joined His father's carpentry business till the age of 30, so we're sure that He would have definitely faced situations (challenges) like us and yet He chose to enjoy the work and live life to its fullness.

The thief mentioned in the verse above refers to the work of Satan (the evil one) who's main objective is to steal, kill and destroy the love, joy, peace, happiness, relationships in our lives and Jesus came so that we can have an abundant life - a life where we can enjoy our work, family and everything else that God has blessed our lives with.

Let's enjoy our everyday life with Him - our Creator.

God Bless

Have A blessed day!

Every Day With Jesus

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

He Knows Me

Jeremiah 1:5 - "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you"

What an encouraging verse that God knows everything about us even before we were formed in our mother's womb!

This makes it clear that God certainly know our past, present and future. He know the person we'll be in the future, he knows the challenges that we'll face and the mistakes that we will commit, he knows our plans, strategies.... everything! And yet He is always there to stand by us, forgive us, bless us and help us out, truly His love is amazing! (unconditional and universal).

We cannot understand the depth of His love for us, He's truly an 'ever-loving' God and His love never fades. Sometimes it feels like watching the highlights of a match, God knows all our steps and the outcome...

Let's accept the fact that God knows everything about our lives and boldly walk in His presence and reflect the same love towards others.

Have A Blessed Day!

God Bless

Every Day With Jesus 

Monday, February 3, 2014

God's Love

Psalm 117:2 - "For great is his love towards us, and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever"

This is the shortest Psalm and the shortest chapter in the Bible and yet very 'powerful'.

The whole creation can be defined in the shortest term 'Love' - He created us because He loved us, so our mere existence is because of His great love.

The beauty of this concept is that He loves us as we are, so we cannot add or remove this truth from our lives - He loves us just the way we are, no matter if we have gone astray and wandered away from His love and got into a shell thinking that the multitude of our sins can overshadow His love, then we are certainly wrong because His loves covers all our sins as He has already paid the price with His life on the cross.

He is always there ready with His outstretched arms to receive (accept, embrace) us.

Let's give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever.

Have A Blessed Day!

God Bless

Every Day With Jesus